How many qurans are there

So this tells me that the Quran is based on a false prophet not even a good man!! And neither should you! God or Allah is not a hateful or angry God he is forgiving to all who those who repent or ask for forgiveness! They claim that they are descendants of the religion of the prophet Abraham. But I guess you all missed that part even though you read it?

The very fact that different words are used in the different Arabic Qurans prove there is no ONE single version of the Quran as alleged by Muslims. You can argue that they convey the same message but Islam prides itself on the precise recitations of its scriptures. Muslims say that, word-for-word, the Quran is the exact speech of Allah. He even waged war on the innocent! This is not what a true prophet is or was supposed to do or be about!

Not how God or Allah is depicted in the Quran! He was most definitely a false prophet cause he did nothing special or any good deeds to help mankind but works of evil instead! Allah or Muhammad? Who is the person who edited the Quran by adding dots. Muslims claim not even one dot has changed from the time of Muhammad.

That is obviously a false claim. Why change the topic? No Christian worship three gods. There is no where in the Bible that says we have three gods. You will never find a single Christian in the world that believes in three gods. Please stop listening to false islamic teachers who misrepresent and lie about our beliefs. Thank you. I have plenty to say. Please see my articles on the subject of the trinity on this site. Let me know if you have questions. Meanwhile, there are like 50 different versions of The Bible-none of them being traced back to the original Greek.

Also, it is historically documented that books have been added and subtracted by rulers such as Constintine. There are supposedly 7 versions of Quran, as seen in Hadith. Kufic script was the original script, and it is much different than modern day Arabic.

None of these differences impact meaning, and are quite minimal. Even with your comparison of Katheer and Kabeer, they mean the same thing in Old Arabic. Tell me — what have different versions of the Bible to do with different versions of quran? I do not see anything in common here. Besides the topic is about different versions of quran not of the Bible, so do not try to change it in vain hope that the main problem of quran will magically disappear.

Are you talking about different translations? Not different messages. Using your logic, are the different English translations of the Quran mean they are different versions of the Quran — Sahih Int, Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, etc. As for the claim that Constantine added and subtracted books from the Bible.

That is just anti Christian propaganda that has not a shred of evidence. Constantine had nothing to do with the compilation of the books of the Bible. Now English has words and Arabic just over Now Google how many tribes there were back in Mohammad time who used to speak Arabic?

And you can check it they all had slight different in pronunciation. So to not mix it up they bought these dots. Beck, There can be 50 different ways in Arabic to refer to the camel. The issue here is which word did Allah use? If Muslims claim their koran is the verbatim words of allah, then the only word that matters is the one that allah supposedly dictated!

Actually it was reviled by Allah to the prophet in those different dialects , which means they all from Allah. It was reviled by Allah? Allah never spoke one word of the koran to Muhammad. You know it. At least, thank you for admitting there were different texts but same message. That demolishes the age-old Islamic argument that not one word or letter of the koran is unchanged.

Muslims scholars themselves have admitted there are holes in the narrative. I think this book was written by evil men who were also possessed by the devil! And I believe that Muhammad was not visited by angels but he was visited by the devil or the Shaytan himself! What we mean by that is that this is the riwaya or Warsh or the riwaya of Hafs. Sometimes a word will have a shadda or not have a shadda. Harf here means dialect, idiom, or mode of expression.

Mashhur: these are slightly less wide in their transmission, but still so wide as to make error highly unlikely. Some people had copies of the variants marked in them.

There was a slavegirl called Tawaddud in the time of Harun ar-Rashid who knew all ten readings by heart, However, these readings did then to divide up according to location. Egypt, which was the home of Warsh, used Warsh largely up until the arrival of the Turks. Then Hafs became popular as it was the variant which the Turks used.

It is a corpus of recitation. The forms of each recitation are referred to by the notable students of the master who recited them. So we will find the tariq pl. Then under the Turuq, there are also the wujuh. We find the wajh of so-and-so from the tariq of so-and-so. There are about twenty riwayat and eighty turuq. What Is The Bible? Were All The Prophets Sinless? Why Do You Fast? Who Did God Appear To? Can God Die? Jesus said…Muhammad said….

How Do You Pray? What Is Original Sin? What If Allah….? What Is The Seal of the Prophets? Why Are There Four Gospels? Is This A True Prophet? Can God Become Visible? Where Is The True Quran? What Did Jesus Say? Here we see another difference between these two Qur'ans; they do not have the dots in the same place.

The result is that different letters are formed. Arabic uses small symbols tashkil above and below the letters to indicate some of the vowels of a word. Here we see another difference between these two Qur'ans; they do not use the same vowels in the same place. We have now considered four types of differences between these two Qur'ans: extra words, differences in letters, diacritical dots and vowels, but how many of these differences are there between these two Qur'ans?

There are Islamic reference books that answer this question. In this book the author displays the text of the Hafs version of the Qur'an but underlines any word where there is a difference among the Readers. This difference is then shown in the margin. The author has used a colour coded system to show which Reader is different. If the variant word in the margin is red this indicates that the Reader was Imam Warsh.

Please study the page below and identify the underlined words and then the corresponding colour coded words in the margin. When the red coded differences are counted there are found to be accepted differences between the Hafs and Warsh versions. There is another type of difference between these two Qur'ans, the Basmalah. Both the Hafs and Warsh Qur'ans have the Basmalah at the start of every sura except sura 9. In this way they are identical, however, while including it in their Qur'ans these Imams understood the Basmalah in very different ways.

For Imam Hafs, the Basmalah was part of the revelation and part of the first verse as it was recited, while for Imam Warsh, the Basmalah was a du'a supplication to introduce each sura; it was written at the start of each sura, like the sura titles, but was not considered part of the revelation. Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi explains this. There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars of the Qur'aan over whether this phrase is to be considered as a verse at the beginning of each soorah , in particular Soorah al-Faatihah, or whether this is merely a phrase said for blessings between the soorahs , and is meant to identify where one soorah ends and the next begins.

The scholars are agreed that the basmalah does not form part of Soorah at-Tawbah, and that it is a verse of the Qur'an in The scholars who claim that the basmalah at the beginning of the soorahs is a verse of the Qur'aan, include Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee d. However, those that do not hold the basmalah at the beginning of the soorahs to be a part of the Qur'aan include Imaam Maalik d.

Based on this classic difference of opinion, the qira'aat the Readers themselves differ over whether the basmalah was a verse in Soorah al-Faatihah and the other soorahs. Among the Qaarees the Readers , Ibn Katheer,'Aasim and al-Kisaa'ee were the only ones who considered it to be a verse at the beginning of each soorah , whereas the others did not.

To summarize the above. The four Imams who founded the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali schools disagree as to whether the Basmalah is part of the revelation at the start of each sura. As a result the different Readers who come from these schools have different views too. Therefore, while both of the Qur'ans we are examining contain the Basmalah, in the Hafs Qur'an it is considered part of the revelation, while in the Warsh Qur'an it is not considered part of the revelation but du'a. This is a significant difference because the Basmalah appears times at the start of the surahs and has 4 words, which means there are extra words in the Qur'an according to Imam Hafs than the Qur'an of according to Imam Warsh.

I am often told by Muslims that the differences between these Qur'ans are only a matter of dialect, accent or pronunciation, and do not affect the meaning, however, this is clearly not the case. The examples given earlier show that the differences are far more significant: they change the subject of the sentence, whether the verb is active or passive, singular or plural, how the grammar of the sentence is to be understood, and whether or not the Basmalah is even part of the revelation at the start of each sura.

These differences in meaning not dialect. The evidence speaks for itself. Therefore, the claim that these differences are just a matter of dialect and do not affect the meaning is false.

Our investigation so far has only considered two different Qur'ans, but as we saw at the beginning of this article there are many others that could also be examined. The book below does this. It is a Qur'an that lists the variants from the Ten Accepted Readers. In this edition of the Qur'an, Muhammad Fahd Khaaruun has collected accepted variant readings from among the Ten Accepted Readers and included them in the margin of the Egyptian standard edition of the Hafs version of the Qur'an.

These are not all the variants, just the variants of the Ten Accepted Readers. As the title of his book suggests this makes it easy to know what the variant readings are because they are clearly listed. Below is a page from this reference Qur'an. You can see the variant readings listed in the margin. There is now available an English translation of the Qur'an which includes a translation of the main variants from these 10 accepted versions in the footnotes.

Here is the cover and a sample page. To purchase and download this Qur'an see Appendix 7. There are more variants than those of the 10 accepted versions. Below is a six volume encyclopedia set which records most of the known variants. It is entitled: Mu'jam al-qiraa'aat al-Quraaneeyah, ma'a maqaddimah fee qiraa'aat wa ashhar al-qurraa The Encyclopedia of the Quranic Readings with an Introduction to Readings and Famous Readers. The page below is from this encyclopedia and shows the variants for the last sura of the Qur'an.

The column on the right tallies the total number of variants listed for all suras. There are variants. This claim is wrong. All of the Islamic evidence shows there are different canonical versions of the Qur'an used around the world today. They differ in their words, basic letters, diacritical dots, vowels, and the Basmalah; and these change the meaning of words and sentences.

Therefore how the Qur'an is recited around the world today is different; not all Qur'ans are identical. Islamic leaders should stop exaggerating about the Qur'an. If you are a Muslim, please do not believe these exaggerated claims about the Qur'an. If you are a Christian, do not believe the exaggerated claims Muslims make about the Qur'an. This article only considers the different Arabic versions of the Qur'an used in the world today.

If you wish to learn about the different Qur'ans in Islam's early history then read The Preservation of the Qur'an. The traditional Islamic answer comes from a hadith in which Muhammad said Allah gave the Qur'an in seven different ways. Narrated Umar bin Al-Khattab Muhammad said "This Qur'an has been revealed to be recited in seven different ways ahruf , so recite of it whichever is easier for you.

The first issue with the ahruf is that Islamic scholars to not know what they are. Islam: Truth or Myth? No other book in the world can match the Qur'an The astonishing fact about this book of ALLAH is that it has remained unchanged, even to a dot, over the last fourteen hundred years.

No variation of text can be found in it.


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