This site has sent me mass emails without me even registering to their website. Penny stock can be done at a legitimate bank not a fake website. Don't waste your money on this Scam Site! Did not send items won nor answer complaints. No wonder they want "up front" money. I live in Central America, but have things shipped to a Houston address.
Whe I signed up there was NO mention of buying bids. My oly saving saving grace was filing a fraudulent charge on your card You will have to close the card, but it is worth it. I don't know how long ago you made the acct, but i would get on the phone with the bank first thing tomorrow and handle this. They are crooks, but you have to learn your options whe you make the mistake of signing up with them. I hope this helps. I lost a lot of money thousands on this website because I obviously fell for it hook, line and sinker and, of course, your coach will keep getting you to buy bids until you are broke, just like in any casino.
That is all these sites are is gambling. The house always wins, them being the house and if you do win something, most of the cheaper stuff is just that Cheap. Looked on there the other day and they actually had paper towels to bid on. I don't know how they get away with calling this an auction site.
I have been to plenty of auctions and if you don't win the bid, then you don't lose your money unlike here. When you first sign up they will make sure you win and then it's downhill from there. They change the rules all the time to suit themselves. And you will never convince them that anything is wrong, they won't give you back 5 bids--too greedy. My advice is to get off the website and don't look back. They will start calling and not let up! The last time I posted here, I heard from them the next day and they asked me to take my comments down--if they are so legitimate why would they do that?
Needless to say, I didn't. Most of the bids only cost. You can see the average cost of the "winners" bids when the aution closes over on the right side of the screen YES the same bidders are in there most all the time, so called power bidders Their "Coaches" It is BULL! In your question you asked,"Why is everyone giving you bad reviews? Who are you referring to? This is just a site that warns people about fraudulent encounters with a broad range of Companies.
Please be more specific with your question or just be smart and read all the reviews and take it how it is. Sorry I couldn't answer your question, but if you're planning on being another victim for Beezid to rip off, that's your choice.
We just try to stop people from being ripped off by these so called Companies. Bidding on Beezid is like gambling at a casino. If you get lucky and win something, great, but don't count on it. That's what keeps them in business. Unfortunately for the unsuspecting, they are liars, scammers, and con artists. It's best to cut your losses, walk away, and never look back.
There is no correct answer for this. It all depends on who has the most "Points" or "Other". Don't believe for a moment that it is "easy" as they like to say.
Go to a real Bidding Site, like eBay or other that ends when it ends and you either win or lose. You'll be on this one for ever! I agreed to "call of the dogs" if they refunded my money, and so I'm going to abide by my promise. I compared them to a con artist from a fair -- they fish you in and then keep charging you. They have so many types of bids and claim they will sell you large amounts of bids only a little money, but do not tell you that the bids are not really worth anything.
They try to talk you into bidding on really worthless cheap items and then charge you large amounts to ship the item. I would call my credit card company and complain. Maybe if enough of use complain they will stop allowing the charges. Beezid is your 1 source for exciting daily auction shopping and absolutely unbelievable deals on new, brand name products! Beezid offers a thrilling and innovative alternative to online shopping called penny auctions, which allows you to get thousands of dollars worth of items at incredible discounts.
Whether you're new to penny auctions or an experienced bidder, you've come to the right place. Every single day, hundreds of people like these win auctions on Beezid, taking advantage of thousands in savings! Join the winner's circle today! Not only do we operate one of the largest and longest running auction sites in the industry, but we are the only site that holds unparalleled penny auction events that are risk free!
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Write a Review Ask a Question. Corporate Values. Overview Beezid has a consumer rating of 1. View ratings trends. What reviewers want you to know Positive highlights No positive highlights yet. Critical highlights Horrible customer service - yelling and disrespectful.
The higher the bid package you purchase, the less per bid you pay. Top Positive Review. Top Critical Review. Rating 5 stars Other Verified purchase. Verified site experience. Contains image or video.
English only. Reviews that mention popular keywords customer service 28 bid pack 35 promo bids 12 credit card For that, I found an excellent service that tracks all bidders, the history of what items have sold for, and all kinds of other stats, so in essence it tells you when to bid and not to bid.
You can see more information about this service, called BeezidPro here. Each time a bid is placed on an item, 15 to 30 seconds is added to the clock. What usually happens is most members wait to the last seconds to bid, so the clock is reset many times over.
It can be an exciting environment to bid in and before you know it all your bids are gone. And Golden Tip 2: Watch the bidding process, if you see more than 10 different people bidding on the item, do not waste your bids. Wait until less than 10 people are bidding back and forth to even consider using your bids. The main drawback I see with this site is that you have to pay whether you win an item or not.
But this is their business model, and they make it very clear when one signs up to be a member of the site how their rules work. This does not make them a scam. People are made fully aware how it works before they agree to join. Beezid is a viable site and is not a scam, but you definitely need to be aware of the pros and cons before you jump head first into bidding and buying.
Beezid Bonus Codes Are you on the lookout for bonus codes for Beezid? Another great penny auction website is BidRivals. The FTC hasn't taken any legal action against Beezid and it doesn't publicly release complaints received about companies. But when Beezid came back with a higher offer, the two parties came to a "mutual agreement," the details of which are not being disclosed, he said. Lohan's representative at International Creative Management was not immediately available for comment.
Why did Beezid pick Lohan? And who knows, maybe shopping for deals does help her pass the time in confinement. Cantwell said she does have an account with the site, and he knows she was recently bidding on an iPad 2 for her brother's birthday.
He doesn't know whether she ended up winning it, however. Her second YouTube commercial for the company has already been viewed , times -- receiving "dislikes" and 88 "likes". The caption beneath the video, posted by Beezid, reads: "Lindsay Lohan takes a break from her recent home confinement to share her new found passion for the countless bargains available at Beezid. After penny auctions, she may become the new face for muffins. She gave a shout-out to Muffins, Inc. Readers' Choice.
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