Cut well-ripened young shoots cm long ft. Treat with hormone rooting powder Insert cuttings into soil in a cold frame to a depth of cm in The following autumn plant the young plants out and grow on for two years before planting in final position Morus roots well from larger pieces of wood up to 10cm 4in thick.
Propagation from seed Mulberries can be grown from seed, but need a period of cold to start germination. Cultivar Selection There are a number of black mulberries to choose from; Morus nigra AGM: the species is highly recommended, is widely available and an excellent performer in terms of fruit production and as an ornamental tree.
Problems Mulberries are not overly prone to problems but watch for the following; Mulberries can suffer from a bacterial leaf spot which can cause dieback. Cut out any affected branches in autumn and burn them Protection from birds may be necessary by using netting on smaller trees As trees mature, mulberries have a tendency to lean or suffer from split limbs.
To avoid splits or having to make large pruning cuts, prop low-lying branches before their weight causes them to break. See also National Collection of mulberries.
You may also like. Buying: trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs: establishment problems. Trees and shrubs: planting. Trees: growing in containers. Trees: staking. Trees Trees: staking Staking newly planted trees is necessary to Pot grown trees; before growth re-starts in spring, pot the tree on each year into a slightly larger container.
Prune standard and half standard mulberries when they are fully dormant; about a month after leaf fall. This should prevent sap bleeding from the cut surfaces. Each winter remove badly placed shoots that interfere with the shape of the tree.
Remove any that appear on the trunk below the framework and those that are dead, broken, crossing or over-crowded. To train as an espalier against a sunny, sheltered wall, plant a two to three year old tree and train in the usual way for an espalier.
Once established, prune side shoots that arise from branches and stem back to three or four leaves to produce short fruiting spurs. This needs to be carried out in late summer, just as growth is slowing down. To train as a bush, cut down the leader to about 1.
Use these to develop a framework of branches, as for bush apples. Minimal pruning will then be necessary. Mulberries like deep, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil that has been improved before planting. Plant both bare root and container grown trees in the spring, staking it to prevent wind rock.
Ideally, try to find a specimen that is part-trained. Newly planted everbearing mulberry trees need to be watered regularly to establish a strong root system.
Once established, mulberry trees are relatively drought-tolerant. They benefit from about one inch of water per week. Everbearing mulberry trees should not be fertilized the first year of planting. Once they are established, fertilize in early spring when new growth begins every year, using a slow-release, balanced fertilizer with an NPK value of Pruning your everbearing mulberry tree can lead to a robust branch framework. Only prune in winter, when the tree is dormant. Everbearing mulberry trees are self-fertile, so you only need one to yield a crop.
In general, it can take up to two to three years for everbearing mulberry trees to fruit. However, some nurseries carry everbearing mulberry trees that will fruit the first year.
The trees bear fruit from June until September. Many people leave a sheet beneath their tree during these months to collect the berries as they fall. Mulberry trees are rated as fast-growing, capable of developing 10 to 12 feet during a six-year period.
White mulberry trees can grow to 80 feet tall at maturity while red mulberry trees tops out at 70 feet with a comparable spread.
Mulberry trees grow best in locations that have full sun exposure, but they perform well in partial shade, too. They prefer moist, well-draining soil that is fertile but tolerate a range of soil conditions, including gravely, wet and alkaline soils, making them a good candidate for controlling erosion.
They transplant easily and adapt to urban and seaside conditions. Like many trees, mulberry trees often are affected by insect-related injuries and diseases, such as white peach scale, bacterial blight, leaf spots, cankers and two-spotted mites.