How many syns in cordial

Skip to content. Skip to footer. Register your group card. Consultants' log in. Makes Share this recipe. Why not try. Poached eggs and tomatoes on toast. If you fancy something extra, add some flat mushrooms to the grill.

Jacket potato with mixed beans and salad. You can still enjoy a creamy-tasting curry at Slimming World and rice, too! Tesco Moroccan chicken with chickpeas and apricot, g pack - 3 syns. Tesco Seafood Sauce, Reduced Fat 1 level tbsp - 2. Tesco Kofta Kebabs, Smoky pork, frozen 6 pack 70g each - 4. Tesco Green Pesto, Reduced Fat. Tesco Fish Nuggets, Frozen 16 Pack Options Indulgence, Belgian Chocolate 16g sachet - 2. Options Indulgence, Belgian Chocolate Fudge 16g sachet - 2.

Options Indulgence, Belgian Chocolate Brownie 16g sachet - 2. A Cosmopolitan has much less alcohol and only a small amount of cranberry juice, meaning a typical ml martini glass contains only calories — less than a quarter of a Long Island. Pina Coladas are the perfect beachside cocktail, but thanks to the added coconut and pineapple mixers, these drinks regularly contain a high calorie count of around calories per ml.

A Fuzzy Navel contains just peach schnapps and orange juice, making it an ideal fruity replacement at around calories per ml drink. Mojitos are a summertime favourite, but thanks to the sugar syrup a typical ml glass can contain as many as calories.

For an equally sweet but lower calorie drink, a diet rum and coke can contain as little as calories per ml serving, making this an ideal sweet alcoholic swap. Apple Sauce 0. Alcopops - Rum Based Ginger Wine - 25ml 2. Coffee Liqueurs - 25ml 3. Many hot and cold drinks are free. Bitter Lemon 4. Juiced and pureed fruit loses its filling power and becomes very easy to over consume. Keep count of the syns or swap for something free.

Eggs 1. Although too much fat, especially saturated fat, is linked to weight gain and health problems, oils which contain unsaturated fat are good for health, helping to lower cholesterol levels and keep our hearts healthy. If you're cooking with oil, choose one high in unsaturated fat such as olive oil, rapeseed, groundnut, peanut, sunflower, corn, flaxseed, avoocado or almond oil. Fish is packed with filling protein and good for your health.

Fresh and frozen fruit is free. Canned Fruit. Sliced Apples 2. Apple 3. Pureed and cooked fruit loses its filling power and it then becomes very easy to over consume. Non-Branded Ices. Cadbury Crunchie Ice Cream Bar 8. Very lean meat and poultry are free. Beef Joint 3. Lamb Chops 4.


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